The call for practical papers has already ended.

If you have any questions, please contact

Please note the following

  • Read the detailed Submission Conditions.
  • Read our Tips for lecturers.
  • Complete the fields on the submission form. This makes it easier to evaluate your submission.
  • If possible, also upload an extended abstract (as pdf, doc, docx, txt). There are no specifications for its structuring.
  • Our General Event Conditions apply to any participation and cooperation.

Your advantages as a lecturer

for one speaker per presentation/workshop on both conference days.
One additional speaker per lecture can participate for the Early-Bird-Ticket price. Please request your booking code from the conference organisation team.*
Presenters of rejected contributions receive a special discount of 50% on the current ticket price (pseudo-submissions with only rudimentary information about the presentation are excluded). You can request booking code for this from the conference organisation team.*

The best speakers (audience choice) receive free tickets for the international Software Quality Days for the following year.

3 best speakers of the conference.

from 2025 on for one speaker per lecture (except exhibitors):

up to 100km: EUR 0,-
101 - 250km: EUR 150,-
251 - 500km: EUR 300,-
501 - 750km: EUR 500,-
from 751km: EUR 900,-

Please note:
The distance is calculated from the location specified in the submission to the respective event location.
All information including sales tax. Payment is made after sending a corresponding invoice and subsequent verification by the organizer - the invoice must be sent within 2 weeks of the end of the conference.
In order to receive the travel allowance, the country/city of origin must be stated when the contribution is submitted! Once a contribution has been accepted, no travel allowance will be granted or changed.

* for more details please consult our Guideslines for Paper Submissions.

The Call for Practical Papers is closed!