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Pre-Conference Online - 05/20/2025
Conference Day 1 - 05/21/2025
Conference Day 2 - 05/22/2025
Track A
Track B
Track C
Track D
Track E
Track F
Opening Session
Keynote: Software Makes the World Go Round: Balancing Quality, Speed, and Regulation
Detlev Henze
English, Newcomer
Conference Infos & Scientific Lecture Infos
Exhibitor Speed-Presentations
Coffee Break | Networking in the exhibition area
Requirements Engineering
Scientific Insights
Anti-patterns for event-driven architectures
Frank Steimle
English, Newcomer
Domain-specific languages for domain experts, not just for programmers
Juha-Pekka Tolvanen
English, Advanced
Traceability for non-zero tolerance testing with high QoS requirements
Sebastian Dietze
English, Advanced
Model-Based Test Design in SysML for System Requirements Verification and Validation
Elif Ugur
English, Scientific
Strategien, Taktiken und Muster der Legacy-Ablösung
Tobias Voß
German, Advanced
From Zero to Test in Minutes: E2E Continuous Testing Pipeline in Action
Simon Königsreiter
Alican Egin
English, Advanced
How to untangle the complexity of modern applications with event-driven architecture!
Sheen Brisals
English, Advanced
Mastering Security Requirements
Markus Geiger
English, Advanced
Testing in regulated environments doesn't require heavy weight tools
André Verschelling
English, Advanced
Effective Black Box Testing of Sentiment Analysis Classification Networks
Fathiyeh Faghih
English, Scientific
Staffelwechsel im Brownfield - Strukturiertes Onboarding auf eine unbekannte Codebasis
Ingo Düppe
German, Advanced
Die CI ist schnell? Dann laufen da bestimmt nur die Unit-Tests… oder?
Elmar Juergens
Fabian Streitel
German, Newcomer
Trusted Provenance with Blockchain Technology: A Systematic Literature Review
Matthias Pohl
English, Scientific
Lunch Break | Networking in the exhibition area
Business Speed-Dating - Get more contacts than anywhere else!
AI Topics
Testing | Test Data
API Management
Software Quality
Flexible KYC Architecture (melting pot of compliance and business)
Andreas Kleinbichler
English, Advanced
Building a Testing Agent: What Worked, What Didn’t
Amin Chirazi
English, Advanced
Testing Kotlin Compiler
Alex Zakharenko
English, Advanced
Check consistency of specification and implementation of APIs
Annegret Junker
English, Advanced
Compliance trifft auf Innovation. Beide tot. Das muss nicht sein.
Monika Herbstrith-Lappe
German, Expert
Managing the Testing Team - How to successfully lead your QA team as a hands on Manager
Clara Ramos Gonzalez
English, Advanced
Event-driven architecture patterns in highly scalable image storage solution
Vadym Kazulkin
English, Advanced
Test Automation is Breaking New Ground
David Grassmugg
English, Advanced
Test Data Management - Problems and Solutions
Moris Frances
English, Newcomer
Internal Management of Commercial APIs; A Product Management Perspective
Gareth Faull
English, Advanced
Compliance Anforderungen für die SW-Entwicklung und Secure Software Development Lifecycle
Johannes Bergsmann
German, Advanced
Barrierefreiheit testen - aber wie?
Tim Böhm
German, Newcomer
Coffee Break | Networking in the exhibition area
AI Topics
Test Data Management
Test Automation
Quality Management | AI
Lightweight Architecture Reviews for Development Teams
Stefan Toth
English, Advanced
KI im regulierten Umfeld - Dokumentieren, aber richtig
Gerhard Runze
German, Newcomer
Testdatenmanagement - Vom Mainframe zur Cloud - Eine Fallstudie
Daniel Kirchner
German, Newcomer
Testen ohne Frust: Low-Code Testautomatisierung mit Keywords
Dierk Engelhardt
German, Advanced
Vergiss die Doku nicht! Wie eine moderne Benutzerdokumentation deine Softwarequalität maximiert & deine internen Aufwände reduziert.
Jennifer Czeschka
German, Advanced
Click, Query, Discover: The Age of Data Self-Service
Speaker to be annouced
English, Newcomer
Keynote: Mental Muscle Building for Leaders: Navigating Wild Times with a Growth Mindset
Vaya Wieser-Weber
English, Newcomer
- 21:30
Get together, Networking, ...
Pre-Conference Online - 05/20/2025
Conference Day 1 - 05/21/2025
Conference Day 2 - 05/22/2025
Filter Tracks
All tracks
Track A
Track B
Track C
Track D
Track E
Track F
08:00 - 09:00
09:00 - 09:10
Opening Session
09:10 - 10:00
Keynote: Software Makes the World Go Round: Balancing Quality, Speed, and Regulation
Detlev Henze
English, Newcomer
10:00 - 10:10
Conference Infos & Scientific Lecture Infos
10:10 - 10:40
Exhibitor Speed-Presentations
10:40 - 11:00
Coffee Break | Networking in the exhibition area
11:00 - 11:50
Track A
Anti-patterns for event-driven architectures
Frank Steimle
English, Newcomer
Track B
Domain-specific languages for domain experts, not just for programmers
Juha-Pekka Tolvanen
English, Advanced
Track C
Traceability for non-zero tolerance testing with high QoS requirements
Sebastian Dietze
English, Advanced
Track D
Model-Based Test Design in SysML for System Requirements Verification and Validation
Elif Ugur
English, Scientific
Track E
Strategien, Taktiken und Muster der Legacy-Ablösung
Tobias Voß
German, Advanced
Track F
From Zero to Test in Minutes: E2E Continuous Testing Pipeline in Action
Simon Königsreiter
Alican Egin
English, Advanced
11:50 - 12:35
Track A
How to untangle the complexity of modern applications with event-driven architecture!
Sheen Brisals
English, Advanced
Track B
Mastering Security Requirements
Markus Geiger
English, Advanced
Track C
Testing in regulated environments doesn't require heavy weight tools
André Verschelling
English, Advanced
Track D
Lecture - tba
Track E
Staffelwechsel im Brownfield - Strukturiertes Onboarding auf eine unbekannte Codebasis
Ingo Düppe
German, Advanced
Track F
Die CI ist schnell? Dann laufen da bestimmt nur die Unit-Tests… oder?
Elmar Juergens
Fabian Streitel
German, Newcomer
11:50 - 12:15
Track D
Effective Black Box Testing of Sentiment Analysis Classification Networks
Fathiyeh Faghih
English, Scientific
12:15 - 12:35
Track D
Trusted Provenance with Blockchain Technology: A Systematic Literature Review
Matthias Pohl
English, Scientific
12:35 - 13:15
Lunch Break | Networking in the exhibition area
13:15 - 14:30
Business Speed-Dating - Get more contacts than anywhere else!
14:30 - 15:20
Track A
Flexible KYC Architecture (melting pot of compliance and business)
Andreas Kleinbichler
English, Advanced
Track B
Building a Testing Agent: What Worked, What Didn’t
Amin Chirazi
English, Advanced
Track C
Testing Kotlin Compiler
Alex Zakharenko
English, Advanced
Track D
Check consistency of specification and implementation of APIs
Annegret Junker
English, Advanced
Track E
Compliance trifft auf Innovation. Beide tot. Das muss nicht sein.
Monika Herbstrith-Lappe
German, Expert
Track F
Managing the Testing Team - How to successfully lead your QA team as a hands on Manager
Clara Ramos Gonzalez
English, Advanced
15:20 - 16:05
Track A
Event-driven architecture patterns in highly scalable image storage solution
Vadym Kazulkin
English, Advanced
Track B
Test Automation is Breaking New Ground
David Grassmugg
English, Advanced
Track C
Test Data Management - Problems and Solutions
Moris Frances
English, Newcomer
Track D
Internal Management of Commercial APIs; A Product Management Perspective
Gareth Faull
English, Advanced
Track E
Compliance Anforderungen für die SW-Entwicklung und Secure Software Development Lifecycle
Johannes Bergsmann
German, Advanced
Track F
Barrierefreiheit testen - aber wie?
Tim Böhm
German, Newcomer
16:05 - 16:20
Coffee Break | Networking in the exhibition area
16:20 - 17:10
Track A
Lightweight Architecture Reviews for Development Teams
Stefan Toth
English, Advanced
Track B
KI im regulierten Umfeld - Dokumentieren, aber richtig
Gerhard Runze
German, Newcomer
Track C
Testdatenmanagement - Vom Mainframe zur Cloud - Eine Fallstudie
Daniel Kirchner
German, Newcomer
Track D
Testen ohne Frust: Low-Code Testautomatisierung mit Keywords
Dierk Engelhardt
German, Advanced
Track E
Vergiss die Doku nicht! Wie eine moderne Benutzerdokumentation deine Softwarequalität maximiert & deine internen Aufwände reduziert.
Jennifer Czeschka
German, Advanced
Track F
Click, Query, Discover: The Age of Data Self-Service
Speaker to be annouced
English, Newcomer
17:10 - 18:10
Keynote: Mental Muscle Building for Leaders: Navigating Wild Times with a Growth Mindset
Vaya Wieser-Weber
English, Newcomer
18:10 - 21:30
Get together, Networking, ...
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Software Quality Days
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Jan Bosch
Detlev Henze
Vaya Wieser Weber
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