Booking a ticket is only available through our Webshop.

Below you find a short description on „How to book a ticket“.

Booking tickets if you are already registered

  1. Log in with your email address and password.
  2. Now click on the "Shop" action - this will take you to the ticket shop.
  3. If you want to book tickets for someone else, click "Add Another Person", fill in the fields and click "OK".
  4. Then select the desired tickets.
  5. This process can be repeated several times.
  6. If you have received a coupon code, enter it in the "Coupon Code" field and click "Add".
    Attention - voucher codes cannot be redeemed for tickets with an early bird price.
  7. Once all tickets have been booked, click on the “Checkout” button.
  8. In the booking notes, you can enter various information (e.g. your order number), tick the General Event Conditions and click "Confirm".
  9. Select the payment method and click "Complete order" or if you are paying by credit card click "Continue to payment".
  10. After booking, you will receive a confirmation email and the corresponding invoice.

Booking tickets if you are not yet registered

  1. Click on the "Shop" tab - this will take you to the ticket shop.
  2. If you want to book tickets for another person, click on "Add another person", fill in the fields and click on "OK".
  3. If not, select the desired tickets right away. This is also the next step if you want to buy a ticket for someone else.
  4. This process can be repeated several times.
  5. If you received a coupon code, enter it in the "Coupon Code" field.
    Attention - voucher codes cannot be redeemed for tickets with an early bird price.
  6. Once all tickets have been booked, click on the “Register & Checkout” button.
  7. You will automatically come to the registration page. After you have filled out all the data, click on the "Register" button.
  8. In the booking notes, you can enter various information (e.g. your order number), tick the General Event Conditions and click "Confirm".
  9. Now select your payment method and click on "Complete order" or, if you are paying by credit card, on "Continue to payment".
  10. After booking, you will receive a confirmation email and the corresponding invoice.


How to book your Ticket